I’m not fat…I’m big boned!

My mother to this day will tell you that I was not fat growing up.  There are pictures in my book that prove otherwise…Oh the love of a mother.  Fat gene or skinny gene…it’s a roll of the genetic dice that I lost.  I believe that it was my mother’s point of view that inevitably gave me mine. I have a very good friend that has struggled with her weight since childhood too but she has told me before how her mother would make negative comments about her weight rather than being supportive. I think she has bitter feelings about being fat directly related to this. I know that given the opportunity to be left alone with little Johnny who did not pick her for the kickball team in the fifth grade – because she was the “fat kid” – it could get a little messy….and not for her.  My mother never harped at me about my weight or told me I was fat. According to her I was just “big-boned.” To me I was fat. Today I am fat. I am not angry about, mad at anybody because of it, and know that there are reasons for it but also know that even as I lose weight I will never be skinny. And I do not want to be skinny. I was not born to be a skinny chick even if my doctor tells me that at my height of 5’6” and large frame I should weigh something like 130.  Sorry, that is never going to happen – it is a physical improbability!

In Making Light of Being Heavy there are pictures of me at around 170 my senior year in high school. I had dieted like mad to get into a dress that I bought for senior prom and I was “skinny.” I can remember my dad coming up beside me at the dinner table one night pointing out my shoulder bone and hip bone and telling me to stop with the dieting. But according to the weight guidelines I was obese!

People should find a comfortable weight for them and consider that their weight guideline and just smile politely at their doctor who whips out the chart that says otherwise. A person’s main focus should be that they are healthy. I may be fat but I am healthy. People will ask how that is possible… if I am fat I must automatically be unhealthy. I am 44 and even though I am considered in the medical field “obese,” I do not have high blood pressure, diabetes, heart problems, varicose veins, joint problems, etc. Am I just lucky?

Hey!  Check out my YouTube video – Fat Chicks and Unfriendly Chairs


With a bunch of butt shots with measurements (yes I said measurements!) coming up to the slow rocking beat of stripper music, my video Fat Chicks and Unfriendly Chairs definitely has the market cornered on making light of being heavy 🙂  Making Light of Being Heavy is a comical book with opinions and observations from a fat chick’s point of view that puts an unexpected and funny spin on dealing with the fat gene!

Until next time, keep laughing!

Eat Twinkies and lose weight…

Lose weight by eating Twinkies…The Junk Food Diet?” – According to this article, Mark Haub lost 27 pounds in eight weeks by eating basically a diet in which two-thirds of his food intake included nothing but junk food like Twinkies, Little Debbie snacks, etc. He maintained an 1,800 calorie diet which also included one protein shake, a multivitamin, a can of green beans, and a few stalks of celery. So the protein shake, celery, and can of green beans probably totalled about 320 calories so that means approximately 1,480 calories was made up of sweets. Generally speaking, Little Debbie snacks range in calories from 170 to 310 so he ate about six of these snacks during the day. His cholesterol actually lowered several points during this eight weeks too if you can believe it.

I am not really sure of the point of this particular diet, unless it was to show that it does not matter what your caloric intake actually consists of, but just limit your caloric intake and you will still lose weight. I guess he offset the obvious unhealthy aspect of the diet with the protein shakes, veggies, and multivitamin which would make sense. However…

All I have to say is – Yuck. Little Debbie snacks and sweets like that certainly would not be my choice of junk food following an 1,800 junk food diet…more like Ben & Jerry’s New York Super Fudge Chunk which is 310 calories per serving, which of course means a whopping calorie count of 1,240 for the pint. Please tell me who actually cracks open a pint of Ben & Jerry’s and eats only a half a cup??


Hey!  Check out my YouTube video – Fat Chicks and Unfriendly Chairs


With a bunch of butt shots with measurements (yes I said measurements!) coming up to the slow rocking beat of stripper music, my video Fat Chicks and Unfriendly Chairs definitely has the market cornered on making light of being heavy 🙂  Making Light of Being Heavy is a comical book with opinions and observations from a fat chick’s point of view that puts an unexpected and funny spin on dealing with the fat gene!

Until next time, keep laughing!

Lifestyle can offset the fat gene…

Anyone who has been following my blog or has read my book knows that I am a firm believer in the fat gene, and that yes I have it. “We know that genetics plays the dominant role in determining body mass index,” says Arya Sharma, one of the country’s foremost obesity researchers at the University of Alberta.

“Exercise will not help everyone lose weight,” Dr. Sharma says. Although slimming down is just one of many reasons to exercise, he notes that “the more genetically predisposed you are to gaining weight, the more effort it’s going to take to override those genes.” Did he just say what I thought he said?? Exercise will not help everyone lose weight…

“But before anyone concludes that diet and exercise are futile weapons in the war on weight, researchers have also found that the simple eat-less, move-more strategy can overcome the known genetic susceptibilities for excess weight. Some people just have to move much, much more and eat far, far less to see results.”

Move much, much more and eat far, far less….and this will offset the fat gene. Okay, show of hands of how many people want to exercise three to four hours a day and have a balanced diet of rabbit food in order to actually offset this dang gene?


Hey!  Check out my YouTube video – Fat Chicks and Unfriendly Chairs


With a bunch of butt shots with measurements (yes I said measurements!) coming up to the slow rocking beat of stripper music, my video Fat Chicks and Unfriendly Chairs definitely has the market cornered on making light of being heavy 🙂  Making Light of Being Heavy is a comical book with opinions and observations from a fat chick’s point of view that puts an unexpected and funny spin on dealing with the fat gene!

Until next time, keep laughing!

Another great book review…

As I mentioned earlier in my blog, the virtual book tour went very well this past November and December with several good reviews. My intention for my book Making Light of Being Heavy was to provide a funny and positive look at life as a fat chick. To put it simply, this book is observations and opinions from a fat chick’s point of view. Nowadays it seems like everyone’s way of thinking is society driven and is based on what they see in the media, or years and years of incorrect assumptions with which, of course, comes lots of negativity. It is really great to hear from reviewers that totally appreciated my perspective. I know that for many women, having a sense of humor is hard to pull off when you are fat – but I hope my book helps, even just a little bit, by putting a smile on their face and perhaps a new outlook in their daily struggles with weight.

Jennifer from Rundpinne states, “Frank, honest, witty and to the point, Making Light of Being Heavy by Kandy Siahaya takes a closer look at life and what it is like to be fat (yes, it is okay to use the term fat, see page 55). Siahaya debunks many myths and misconceptions that float around such as those who are fat must be ignorant, lazy, unmotivated, with low self-esteem. Through humour, personal experiences and research, Siahaya writes frankly about her life, diets, exercise, the worst things people have said and done and ultimately shows the reader that she is a strong woman who is happy to be who she is. How many people, regardless of shape can honestly say they love themselves for who they are, just as they are? The diet industry would not be so powerful and wealthy if people accepted themselves. Siahaya is not recommending a life of non-exercise and unhealthy habits, rather she is merely stating that one can be fit and fat and still be happy. I found myself laughing along with Siahaya and so very pleased she decided to share her thoughts, insights, and experiences with the world. I would recommend Making Light of Being Heavy to all readers, and maybe, more understanding, tolerance, and acceptance will be the result.”


Hey!  Check out my YouTube video – Fat Chicks and Unfriendly Chairs


With a bunch of butt shots with measurements (yes I said measurements!) coming up to the slow rocking beat of stripper music, my video Fat Chicks and Unfriendly Chairs definitely has the market cornered on making light of being heavy 🙂  Making Light of Being Heavy is a comical book with opinions and observations from a fat chick’s point of view that puts an unexpected and funny spin on dealing with the fat gene!

Until next time, keep laughing!

Top 10 List…

With so much negativity out there about being fat, in my book I decided to focus on some positive points for us fat chicks and created a “Top 10 Good Things About Being Fat” list.  Seriously people, who has time to be negative – enjoy every day like there is no tomorrow and stop sweating the small stuff!!

10.  It gives new material for “Yo’ mamma so fat…” jokes.

 9.   You will live longer if lost in the woods.

 8.    It is common knowledge that fat girls have better personalities.      

7.    Better insulation – I haven’t bought a winter coat in over 10 years.

6.    Sorry skinny girls, but some men do like more meat with their potatoes.

5.    Fat girls have bigger boobs.

4.    In relation to # 5, our upper bodies can be used as flotation devices.

3.    Built in Botox for our faces. 

2.    We can pig out whenever we want because people think we do anyway. 

And the number one good thing about being fat is….

1.    Guaranteed to have a marriage proposal by at least one man over the age of 60.

Hey!  Check out my YouTube video – Fat Chicks and Unfriendly Chairs


With a bunch of butt shots with measurements (yes I said measurements!) coming up to the slow rocking beat of stripper music, my video Fat Chicks and Unfriendly Chairs definitely has the market cornered on making light of being heavy 🙂  Making Light of Being Heavy is a comical book with opinions and observations from a fat chick’s point of view that puts an unexpected and funny spin on dealing with the fat gene!

Until next time, keep laughing!

Check out these reviews…

As mentioned earlier in my blog, this past November and December I had a successful virtual book tour with Pump Up Your Book Promotions.  It was very gratifying to get great reviews from readers who truly understood the point of Making Light of Being Heavy.  As I said in my preface, this book is not just for fat chicks – it is for anyone who wants a good laugh and a good dose of enlightenment on such a touchy subject. 

Tina’s Book Reviews states, “Hilarious….for once an actual book about being fat that is honest, raw and funny. While I don’t know what it’s like to grow up with obesity or the “fat“ as Kandy refers to throughout the book, I have struggled after my pregnancies to lose weight. It’s hard, frustrating and at times discouraging. I loved the honesty and accurate portrayal of the ups and downs of dieting and weight loss. Some of the comments were so dead-on I thought maybe she read my mind. Kandy walks through some very popular and unpopular diets that most of us struggling to lose weight have gone on. I personally have never tried these hard-core diets and they seem gross and painfully depressing!!  Mostly though this book made me laugh…..I loved that Kandy along with promoting the fact that diets are hard and a pain in the butt knew the importance of keeping your body at a reasonable weight and that most of these fad diets out there just don’t work in the long run. A fun guide for any of you out there wanting to lose weight or need a good laugh for encouragement.”

Books 4 Moms states, “This book has given me a lot of insight, not only into my own weight issues, but my self esteem issues as well.  I just love reading about other women who are going through the same thing I am, and knowing that I’m not alone in it and not crazy either.  The struggles of weight loss are never easy, but this book, Making Light of Being Heavy, will put a smile on your face no matter what weight issue you might have.  I highly recommend this book to anyone of any age who is struggling with their weight.  It’ll make you think.  It’ll make you smile and laugh.  It’ll make you feel good about your struggles and yourself.  Definitely worth the read!”

I will be posting more reviews in the days ahead.  Please see the links below. 

Until next time, keep laughing! 

